Judges on Fire: Ian Ellis, Co-Founder, OperAngels

Today it’s the turn of Ian Ellis to be interviewed by Rose Ross, the founder and Chief Trailblazer of the TechTrailblazers Awards. Ian is joining the judging team for the awards and he’s a key figure in the enterprise tech startup ecosystem, most notably for running the Enterprise Tech Meetup. He shares his extensive experience and insights into the evolving landscape of enterprise technology.

One of the key themes Ian discusses is the importance of startups understanding the corporate landscape. He emphasizes the need for startups to navigate the complexities of working with large organizations, which often have different priorities and operational challenges compared to startups. Ian also sheds light on his work with the Enterprise Tech Meetup, a platform that has been running for 12 years, bringing together entrepreneurs, tech practitioners, investors, and academics to discuss the latest trends in enterprise technology.

Ian shares how he is looking forward to delving deeper into the entries, both on a technical and business level. He shares hints about what he’s looking for from entrants and the power of clear, concise communication. Listen to the full podcast here:


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